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752 items match your filter criteria.

Remote Camera Network Tracks Antarctic Species at Low Cost

An international research team has developed a simple method for using autonomous time-lapse cameras to track the breeding and population dynamics of Antarctic penguins, providing a new, low-cost window into the health and productivity of their ecosystem.
May 16, 2018 - News ,

Ice Age Confined Sperm Whales to Pacific Ocean 100,000 Years Ago, Genetics Show

According to new research, an ice age that ended over 100,000 years ago confined the world’s sperm whales to a single population in the Pacific Ocean, creating a genetic bottleneck.
May 15, 2018 - News ,

West Coast Veterans Give Fish New Upstream Habitat Connections

Veterans Corps programs in Washington and California provide former service members with valuable skills and job experiences while helping improve endangered and threatened fish populations.
April 20, 2018 - Feature Story ,
Fish Migration Vet Corps James Garcia CA 3x2.png

NOAA Works with Partners to Develop State-of-the-Art Fish Passage

Oregon’s Clackamas River hydroelectric project benefits fish and communities.
April 19, 2018 - Feature Story ,
Fish Migration Clackamas Hydropower Webstory 4 3x2.jpg

Entangled Puget Sound Whale Largely Freed After Unusual Chain of Events

NOAA Fisheries seeks help from public in spotting the gray whale and assessing its condition following entanglement.
April 18, 2018 - Feature Story ,

Killer Whale Genetics Raise Inbreeding Questions

A new genetic analysis of Southern Resident killer whales found that two male whales fathered more than half of the calves born since 1990 that scientists have samples from, a sign of inbreeding in the small killer whale population that frequents Washington’s Salish Sea and Puget Sound.
April 18, 2018 - Feature Story ,
2 Killer whales, one breaching

New Study Reveals Cost of 2017 Salmon Fisheries Closure

Last year’s closure of the commercial ocean salmon troll fishery off the West Coast is estimated to have cost $5.8 million to $8.9 million in lost income for fishermen.
April 03, 2018 - Feature Story ,

Keeping Boats on the Water

The Fishery Regulation Assessment Model helps managers evaluate and recommend annual harvest allocations in fisheries up and down the U.S. West Coast. NOAA scientists and managers worked with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and industry representatives to provide genetic data in support of a recalibration effort aimed at improving the model and better understanding harvest impacts throughout the region. Results indicated at least one sensitive stock was encountered at lower rates than previously thought.
March 26, 2018 - Feature Story ,
A Washington Trollers Association member prepares to ice down Chinook salmon. Credit: WTA/Kim Reisbick, FV High Hope

West Coast Ocean Returning To Normal But Salmon Catches Lagging

Ocean conditions off most of the U.S. West Coast are returning roughly to average, after an extreme marine heatwave from about 2014 to 2016 disrupted the California Current Ecosystem and shifted many species beyond their traditional range.
March 20, 2018 - News ,