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3266 items match your filter criteria.

Age Validation of Pacific Cod Using Stable Oxygen Isotope (δ18O) in Otoliths

Alaska Fisheries Science Center Quarterly Report
April 01, 2015 - Feature Story ,
Pile of caught fish

Listening for Cod in the Gulf of Maine

Scientists and fishermen are working together to locate spawning aggregations of Atlantic cod. The goal is to allow cod and fishermen to each go about their business separately.
March 19, 2015 - Podcast ,
Crew setting up acoustic robots on deck.

First Estimate of Number of Whales Killed During Industrial Whaling 1900-1999

NOAA Fisheries scientists research helps fill in the gaps.
March 16, 2015 - Feature Story ,

Removal of Diversion Dam Improves Habitat Access for Migrating Fish in California’s Tehama County

The 80 year-old diversion dam on the South Fork of Cottonwood Creek was built in the 1930s to provide water and hydropower to a private residence.
March 03, 2015 - Feature Story ,

Why Are Baby Sea Lions So Skinny?

NOAA Fisheries scientists collaborate with partners at West Coast Marine Mammal Stranding Centers to study what's behind this.
February 19, 2015 - Feature Story ,
Group of seals on the beach with the ocean in the background

Automatic Whale Detector, Version 1.0

Scientists have combined infrared cameras with image recognition software to automatically detect and count migrating gray whales.
February 09, 2015 - Feature Story ,

Improving International Fisheries Management: Highlights of the 2015 IUU Biennial Report to Congress

This biennial report to Congress highlights U.S. findings and analyses of foreign IUU fishing activities and bycatch of protected species and shark catch on the high seas where nations do not have a regulatory program comparable to the United States.
February 06, 2015 - Feature Story ,

Puget Sound Salmon Face More Ups and Downs in River Flows

Many salmon rivers around Puget Sound have experienced increasing fluctuations in flow over the past 60 years, just as climate change projections predict – and that's unfortunate news for threatened Chinook salmon, according to a new analysis of salmon survival and river flow.
February 03, 2015 - Feature Story ,
Riverine. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

NOAA Working With Six Nations to Address Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing

NOAA continues to be a global leader in addressing illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing. Today, NOAA Fisheries released its 2015 Biennial Report to Congress highlighting U.S. findings and analyses of foreign IUU fishing activities.
February 01, 2015 - Feature Story ,

Former Northeast Dealer Pleads Guilty to Felony Lacey Act Charge

January 30, 2015: Maryland fish dealer pleaded guilty in federal court to a single felony count of submitting false reports to NOAA, in violation of the Lacey Act for purchasing scallops in excess of the legal landing limit.
January 30, 2015 - Feature Story ,