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1001 resources match your filter criteria.

Fisheries Monitoring And Analysis Division History

A history of fisheries monitoring and management in the North Pacific

North Pacific Observer Program Permitted Providers

For more information, please contact these permitted observer providers.

North Pacific Observer Program Training & Briefing

Training to become a certified North Pacific observer consists of a comprehensive three week program held in Seattle.
People in orange suits looking through binoculars on a boat

Comparative Application of Trophic Ecosystem Models To Evaluate Drivers of Endangered Hawaiian Monk Seal Populations

Trophic models compare ecosystem structure and energy flow that supports two subpopulations (on Laysan Island and French Frigate Shoals atoll), each with varied rates of decline (1998–2015).
November 06, 2017 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Ice Seal Research in Alaska

Research on bearded, ringed, spotted, and ribbon seals.
Ice Seal poking head out of water

Groundfish Assessment Program Systematics

Fish systematic research has enabled more accurate identification of species in the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region.

Climate Vulnerability Assessments

NOAA Fisheries assesses the vulnerability of fish stocks, protected species (mammals, sea turtles), habitats and fishing communities to changing climate and ocean conditions, to better prepare the many diverse people and businesses that depend on them.

Alaska Stock Assessments

A variety of data are input into computer models to estimate population size and trends for fish, crabs and marine mammals generating a stock assessment report. Research surveys provide biological, ecological and environmental data. Independent fishery observers collect information on commercial fisheries catches. We also compile socio-economic data on fishing communities.
Scientists working on deck of research vessel

Providing Science to Protect Marine Species

We provide the scientific foundation for the protection and conservation of Hawaiian monk seals, whales, dolphins, and sea turtles in the Pacific Islands.

Monitoring and Researching Fisheries for Sustainability in the Pacific Islands

The Fisheries Research and Monitoring Division coordinates fisheries monitoring, fisheries data management, fisheries interactions, fish life history studies, and stock assessment.