Species Directory

Sustainable Seafood

U.S. fisheries are among the world's largest and most sustainable. Seafood harvested from federally-managed U.S. fisheries is inherently sustainable as a result of our science-based fishery management process. This directory of seafood profiles focuses on the most common federally-managed marine species. It is not a comprehensive list of all seafood species you may encounter in the marketplace, or all the species caught or farmed in U.S. waters. Can't find a particular type of seafood? It may not be in our directory if: it is primarily harvested from state (not federal) waters, it is a freshwater species, or it is not a product of the United States.

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Species Illustration Species Name Species Category Region
Side-profile of bigeye tuna fish with shiny white on bottom and mid of body and yellow and dark blue on top. Tail fin is dark gray while other fins are more tan. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Jack Hornady
Thunnus obesus
Also Known As
Tuna, Big eye, Ahi-b
  • Species Category
    • Highly Migratory Fish
    • Wild-Caught Seafood
  • Region
    New England/Mid-Atlantic
  • Region
Side-profile illustration of skipjack tuna with dark purplish blue back. Bottom half of body is silvery white with five dark bands/stripes running along the side. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Jack Hornady
Katsuwonus pelamis
Also Known As
Tuna, Ocean bonito, Lesser tuna, Aku
  • Species Category
    • Highly Migratory Fish
    • Wild-Caught Seafood
  • Region
    New England/Mid-Atlantic
  • Region
Side-profile illustration of yellowfin tuna fish with bright yellow fins and finlets. Body is blue on the top, white on the underside, and there's a yellow stripe along the side. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Jack Hornady
Thunnus albacares
Also Known As
Tuna, Ahi
  • Species Category
    • Highly Migratory Fish
    • Wild-Caught Seafood
  • Region
    New England/Mid-Atlantic
  • Region
Side-profile illustration of an albacore tuna with big eyes and torpedo-shaped body. Bottom half of body is silvery white, dark blue on top/back, and lighter blue laterally. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Jack Hornady
Thunnus alalunga
Also Known As
Northern albacore, Longfin tuna, Germon
  • Species Category
    • Highly Migratory Fish
    • Wild-Caught Seafood
  • Region
    New England/Mid-Atlantic
  • Region
Side-profile illustration of an albacore tuna with big eyes and torpedo-shaped body. Bottom half of body is silvery white, dark blue on top/back, and lighter blue laterally. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Jack Hornady
Thunnus alalunga
Also Known As
Albacore, Germon, Longfinned tuna, Albecor, Ahipalaha, Tombo
  • Species Category
    • Highly Migratory Fish
    • Wild-Caught Seafood
  • Region
    Pacific Islands
  • Region
    West Coast
Side-profile of bigeye tuna fish with shiny white on bottom and mid of body and yellow and dark blue on top. Tail fin is dark gray while other fins are more tan. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Jack Hornady
Thunnus obesus
Also Known As
Bigeye, `Ahi, Mabachi
  • Species Category
    • Highly Migratory Fish
    • Wild-Caught Seafood
  • Region
    Pacific Islands
  • Region
    West Coast
Side-profile illustration of a bluefin tuna fish with silvery white bottom half and blue and green on top half and back. Bluefin tuna fish have small yellow fins from second dorsal to tail fin. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Jack Hornady
Thunnus orientalis
Also Known As
Northern bluefin tuna, Tuna, Bluefin tuna
  • Species Category
    • Highly Migratory Fish
    • Wild-Caught Seafood
  • Region
    Pacific Islands
  • Region
    West Coast
Side-profile illustration of skipjack tuna with dark purplish blue back. Bottom half of body is silvery white with five dark bands/stripes running along the side. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Jack Hornady
Katsuwonus pelamis
Also Known As
Ocean bonito, Lesser tuna, Aku, Katsuo
  • Species Category
    • Highly Migratory Fish
    • Wild-Caught Seafood
  • Region
    Pacific Islands
  • Region
    West Coast
Side-profile illustration of yellowfin tuna fish with bright yellow fins and finlets. Body is blue on the top, white on the underside, and there's a yellow stripe along the side. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Jack Hornady
Thunnus albacares
Also Known As
Ahi, Kihada
  • Species Category
    • Highly Migratory Fish
    • Wild-Caught Seafood
  • Region
    Pacific Islands
  • Region
    West Coast
Side-profile illustration of a bluefin tuna fish with silvery white bottom half and blue and green on top half and back. Bluefin tuna fish have small yellow fins from second dorsal to tail fin. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Jack Hornady
Thunnus thynnus
Also Known As
Tuna, Bluefin tuna, Toro, Maguro, Giant bluefin, Northern bluefin tuna
  • Species Category
    • Highly Migratory Fish
    • Wild-Caught Seafood
  • Region
    New England/Mid-Atlantic
  • Region