The Sacramento River Temperature Task Group (SRTTG) is a multiagency group formed pursuant to State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Water Rights Orders 90-5 and 91-1, to assist with improving and stabilizing Chinook populations in the Sacramento River. Annually, Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) develops temperature operation plans for the Shasta and Trinity divisions of the Central Valley Project (CVP). These plans consider impacts on winter-run and other populations of Chinook salmon, and associated project operations. The SRTTG meets initially in the spring to discuss biological, hydrologic, and operational information, objectives, and alternative operations plans for temperature control. Once the SRTTG has recommended an operation plan for temperature control, Reclamation then submits a report to the SWRCB, generally on or before June 1st each year.
After implementation of the operation plan, the SRTTG may perform additional studies and commonly holds meetings as needed through the summer and into fall to develop revisions based on updated biological data, reservoir temperature profiles and operations data. Updated plans may be needed for summer operations protecting winter-run Chinook salmon, or in fall for fall-run Chinook salmon spawning season. If there are any changes in the plan, Reclamation submits a supplemental report to SWRCB.
Meeting Summaries
- Sacramento River Temperature Task Group Meeting Notes 2020
- Sacramento River Temperature Task Group Meeting Notes 2019
Member Agencies
- National Marine Fisheries Service
- U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- California Department of Fish and Wildlife
- State Water Resource Control Board
- Hoopa Valley Tribe
- Yurok Tribe
- Western Area Power Administration