The Hawaiian monk seal pupping season has started! NOAA Fisheries experts in the Pacific Islands work with partners to protect the pups during this critical time.
Survey scientists get to see all kinds of interesting things while working at sea. Here are some of the sights and scenes they experienced during the 2024 Ecosystem Monitoring Survey season.
This new video shows the Alaska Fisheries Science Center’s research into how kelp farms may provide habitat for Alaskan species compared to natural bull kelp beds
An update from our experts on the status of North Atlantic right whales, and our plans to use Inflation Reduction Act funds for right whale conservation.
Watching whales in their natural habitat is an incredible experience—but it must be done in a way that doesn't disturb or harm them. Learn how to find a whale watching company that is committed to safe and respectful whale-watching practices.
The Northeast Bottom Trawl survey reached a major milestone when it turned 60 years old in fall 2023. Learn how this survey is conducted and how it informs science and management in the Atlantic.