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125 items match your filter criteria.

Protecting Species While Planning for Offshore Wind Development in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico

New study proposes a scoring method for evaluating risk to protected species with offshore wind development projects.
July 03, 2023 - Feature Story ,
Surfacing Rice's whale. Rice's Whale. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

NOAA Scientists Collecting Information to Restore Marine Mammals and Seabirds in the Gulf of Mexico

A survey to update information on abundance and distribution to restore marine mammal and seabird populations in the Gulf of Mexico.
June 23, 2023 - Feature Story ,
2 pilot whales swim at the ocean surface with dorsal fins exposed, a large white ship is seen on the horizon Pilot whales surface near the NOAA Ship Gordon Gunter. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Melody Baran (Permit # 14450)

Embarking on Research to Study Pantropical Spotted Dolphins

Learning more about the pantropical spotted dolphin population structure in the northern Gulf of Mexico.
June 09, 2023 - Feature Story ,
A pantropical spotted dolphin jumps out of the deep blue ocean water with white spray all around. A pantropical spotted dolphin surfacing along side the NOAA Ship Gordon Gunter. Credit: NOAA Fisheries (Permit No.14450)

The Endangered Species Act: 50 Years of Conserving Species

Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act by learning more about NOAA's work to conserve endangered species and their habitats.
50th Anniversary of the Endangered Species Act with smalltooth sawfish, green turtle, Atlantic salmon, staghorn, North Atlantic right whale, and Tubastraea floreana

Meet Héloïse Frouin-Mouy, Bio-acoustician

As part of the Faces of the Southeast Fisheries Science Center series, meet Dr. Héloïse Frouin-Mouy.
April 25, 2023 - Feature Story ,
Heloise is on the beach with her son, daughter, and husband. They are holding trash collectors, buckets, and have gloves on after doing a beach clean up. Héloïse and her family completed a beach cleanup. Photo provided by Héloïse Frouin-Mouy

Inbreeding Contributes to Decline of Endangered Killer Whales

New genome sequencing shows Southern Residents are highly inbred. Southern Resident Connections - Post 30
March 20, 2023 - Feature Story ,
An adult orca is swimming underwater, and a calf is next to its dorsal fin. The calf is surfacing from the water. Southern Resident killer whale with calf

50 Years of Protecting Marine Mammals

A look at the Marine Mammal Protection Act's many advancements and accomplishments in the last 50 years.
February 02, 2023 - Podcast ,
Pair of bottlenose dolphins Pair of bottlenose dolphins. Credit: NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center/Lisa Morse.

The Prescott Grant Program: Highlighting Regional Awardees

The Prescott Grant Program provides competitive grants for marine mammal network partners to fund stranding response, data collection, and facilities operations. Since 2001, the program has awarded more than $71.2 million.
January 20, 2023 - Feature Story ,
A harbor seal is released from a crate on a beach in New Hampshire. Several people watch from beyond the cordoned off area Release of a rehabilitated harbor seal rescued in Rye, New Hampshire by Prescott Grant recipient Seacoast Science Center. Credit: Seacoast Science Center.