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576 items match your filter criteria.

A Partnership for Sustainability: Fishermen and Fisheries Observers

The science of sustainability.
October 27, 2015 - Feature Story ,

Oncoming El Niño Likely to Continue Species Shakeup in Pacific

One-two punch of El Niño and "warm blob" could boost coastal temperatures and supercharge storms
October 02, 2015 - Feature Story ,
Crews from the Alaska Fisheries Science Center caught two large ocean sunfish far to the north of where the species usually occurs. Photo credit: NOAA Fisheries

Early Marine Ecology of Juvenile Chinook Salmon on the Yukon Delta

Alaska Fisheries Science Center Quarterly Report.
October 01, 2015 - Feature Story ,

Delayed Effects of Oil Spill Compromise Long-term Fish Survival

Low-level oil exposure leads to later heart defects, weaker swimming and reduced survival
September 08, 2015 - Feature Story ,
Transient embryonic exposures to crude oil cause lasting reductions in the swimming speed of salmon and herring

A Warming Bering Sea: What Does It Mean for Walleye Pollock?

Scientists launch a special cruise to find missing links connecting climate and fisheries.
August 31, 2015 - Feature Story ,
Close up view of zooplankton

New Comprehensive Bering Sea Climate Change Study To Focus On Fish And Fishing And Provide Insights For Management In A Changing Marine Environment

The southeastern Bering Sea is an enormously productive ecosystem. It produces over 40% of the nation’s total annual fish catch. The pollock fishery operates here -- one of the nation’s most important commercial fisheries in both annual yield and valu
August 26, 2015 - Feature Story ,

Search For Rare And Critically Endangered North Pacific Right Whale Begins First Dedicated Survey In Gulf Of Alaska In More Than A Decade

A team of NOAA Fisheries scientists set out on a month-long research survey onboard the NOAA ship Reuben Lasker to try to locate the rare North Pacific right whale, possibly the most endangered marine mammal to visit U.S. waters.
August 10, 2015 - Feature Story ,
NP_right_whale_A Kennedy_PRIEST2009_Bering Sea.jpg

Another Successful Year for NOAA's Science Camp in Seattle

Thirteen years ago, the Western Regional Center in Seattle, Washington, hosted its first NOAA Science Camp. To date, over 1,000 middle school students have participated in this fun, enriching, camp experience, where they interact with scientists.
August 03, 2015 - Feature Story ,

A Handy Field Guide to The Nearshore Marine Fishes of Alaska

If you’re a fish biologist in Alaska, download a copy of this Handy Field Guide for your next expedition. And if you’re not, download one anyway. The pictures are awesome and the field guide is free.
July 20, 2015 - Feature Story ,
Round spiky green fish laying on ruler

Scientists Uncover New Way To Help Protect Harbor Seals In Disenchantment Bay, Alaska

New Way To Help Protect Harbor Seals in Disenchantment Bay, Alaska
July 13, 2015 - Feature Story ,
Two seals on ice floating on water