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NOAA Fisheries Partnership with Local Fishing Vessels Builds Collaboration with Industry

When the 60-foot fishing vessel Timmy Boy returned to Newport, Oregon, it had no fish in the hold. Instead, the vessel and its crew brought back lots of data, research samples and knowledge of the latest ocean conditions off the Pacific Northwest.
August 31, 2017 - Feature Story ,
A spotted ratfish collected in the research nets during an offshore survey by the Timmy Boy. Photo:Jennifer Fisher/OSU/NWFSC

2016-2017 Recreational Fisheries Regional Roundtable Meetings

The 2016-2017 roundtable meetings are the latest in a series of Agency efforts taken over the last seven years to enrich its Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Initiative. A similar set of meetings conducted in 2013 was well received by recreational f
August 30, 2017 - Feature Story ,
Group of four recreational fishing boats in close proximity moving in the same direction

NOAA Fisheries Announces A New Online System For Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Tournament Registration and Reporting

NOAA Fisheries now offers an online option to register Atlantic Highly Migratory Species tournaments and report HMS tournament catch.
August 30, 2017 - Feature Story ,

2017 Bycatch Reduction Engineering Program Awards

NOAA Fisheries has awarded more than $2.3 million to partners around the country to support innovative bycatch reduction research projects through its Bycatch Reduction Engineering Program.
August 29, 2017 - Feature Story ,

TT40: The First Hawaiian Monk Seal to Undergo Surgery for a Fishhook Removal

Monk Seal of the Month: August 2017
August 23, 2017 - Feature Story ,

Community Snapshots Tool Provides Insights on Hawaiʻi Fishing Communities

Learn about Hawaiʻi's different fishing communities with the Community Snapshots Tool!
August 21, 2017 - Feature Story ,

Habitat Photo Contest Winners Announced

The 2017 NOAA Habitat Month digital photo contest recognized photographers who have captured beautiful and captivating images of coastal and ocean habitat and the people, science, restoration, and protection activities associated with it. 
August 16, 2017 - Feature Story ,
2017_07_habitat_month_public_winners_collage.jpg 2017 Habitat Month Photo Awards - Public Winners

What’s the Value of a River?

How we value natural resources changes over time. Once a source of hydropower, and then easy disposal of waste products, today the Raritan River in New Jersey has many supporters working to return it to a more natural state.
August 16, 2017 - Feature Story ,
tagging_shad_raritan.jpg NOAA biologists tagging fish on the Raritan River

Exeter River Lives Free Again

Exeter, New Hampshire funding from NOAA to remove the Exeter River Great Dam.Now complete, 21 miles of the Exeter River are reopened to fish migration.
August 16, 2017 - Feature Story

2017 Projects Selected to Improve Coastal Resiliency

This competitive grant program helps coastal communities protect themselves from coastal storms.
August 15, 2017 - Feature Story ,