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197 items match your filter criteria.

NOAA Names Rubino Senior Advisor for Seafood Strategy

Rubino will lead the development of markets for United States fisheries products and facilitate new and expanded domestic aquaculture production.
April 29, 2019 - Feature Story ,
Salmon Netpen.jpg

International Collaboration Sheds Light on Ocean Acidification’s Impact on Shellfish

NOAA Fisheries' lab in Milford CT is known for its long-standing international research relationships, and is currently hosting post-doctoral researchers from Brazil to China, not to mention France, which is where Emilien Pousse hails from.
April 09, 2019 - Feature Story ,
Collection of oysters, various sizes and colors.

How Will Changing Ocean Chemistry Affect the Shellfish We Eat?

Scientists at the NOAA Fisheries Milford Lab are shining some light on ocean acidification by examining how a more acidic ocean affects something we care about: the oysters, surfclams, and scallops that we eat.
April 09, 2019 - Feature Story ,
Oysters shells with different colors based on exposure to acid levels.

Alaska's Bering Sea Is The Focus Of A NOAA Effort To Accelerate Science Delivery To Fisheries Managers

Integrated approach will deliver more timely, actionable data on climate change's impacts on changing ocean conditions.
March 28, 2019 - Feature Story ,
Adak Island Bering Sea coast in the Aleutian Islands. Credit: iStock.

Online Tool Screens Finfish Fillets for Mislabeling, Substitution

Developed by the National Seafood Inspection Laboratory, the tool supports the nation’s safe, sustainable seafood supply.
March 13, 2019 - Feature Story ,
seafood display case

Visit Us At Seafood Expo North America

A leadership message from NOAA Fisheries Assistant Administrator Chris Oliver.
March 11, 2019 - Leadership Message ,
A variety of seafood on a bed of ice.

See Our Top Stories, Photos, and Videos of 2018

Take a look at our most popular stories, photos, and videos of 2018.
December 21, 2018 - Feature Story ,

New Fishing Opportunities Emerge from Resurgence of West Coast Groundfish

Rebuilt West Coast groundfish species are good news for fishermen and fans of healthy and delicious fish.
December 12, 2018 - Feature Story ,
Yelloweye rockfish swimming near the ocean floor Yelloweye rockfish. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

Canary Rockfish—A Story of U.S. Fisheries Management

Learn more about the work to rebuild canary rockfish—one of more than 60 species of rockfish included in the West Coast groundfish fishery.
October 21, 2018 - Feature Story ,

How Technology and America’s Heartland Play Key Roles in a Healthy Seafood Diet

Learn how America's heartland is a key player in aquaculture.
October 16, 2018 - Feature Story ,