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10 items match your filter criteria.

Working with West Coast Tribes to Protect Endangered Species

NOAA Fisheries is dedicated to engaging with federally recognized Tribes on endangered species consultations.
April 04, 2022 - Feature Story ,
A male salmon swims underwater along a rocky bottom Chinook salmon are an important resource in the Pacific Northwest for many Tribes in the region. Photo Credit: John McMillan

Discovering Deep-Sea Sponges in Alaska

Hundreds of species have yet to be described in the ecosystems that support Alaska’s valuable commercial fisheries.
September 02, 2021 - Feature Story ,
Underwater photo of a pink fish hiding inside a conical yellow sponge. A pregnant sharpchin rockfish shelters within a sponge on the seafloor off Alaska. Credit: NOAA Fisheries.

Explore Essential Fish Habitats with our Updated Interactive Mapper

Use our updated Essential Fish Habitat Mapper to view important habitat for managed fish species.
July 22, 2021 - Feature Story ,
steelhead salmon swimming in stream

New Tribal Research Coordinator for the Alaska Fisheries Science Center

The Science Center is taking steps to improve communications and advance research collaborations and co-production opportunities with Alaska Indigenous communities.
July 07, 2021 - Feature Story ,
Photo of Mabel Baldwin-Schaeffer.

Surveys Will Collect Data Crucial for Managing Alaska Fisheries and Monitoring Alaska Marine Ecosystems

NOAA Fisheries kicks off summer and fall surveys.
May 27, 2021 - Feature Story ,
Photo of Bering sea with seabirds on the surface and a rainbow on the horizon.

Looking Back At The Blob: Record Warming Drives Unprecedented Ocean Change

Temperatures of up to 7 degrees Fahrenheit above normal disrupted the marine ecosystem in both expected and surprising ways.
September 26, 2019 - Feature Story ,
Young sea lion walking on a beach

The Saga of Pacific Paradise

Teamwork and communication were critical when a commercial fishing vessel ran aground off Waikīkī.
March 01, 2018 - Feature Story ,
A canoe paddler looks out at the ground vessel Pacific Paradise.

NOAA Fisheries Develops List of Foreign Fisheries to Help Evaluate Scope of Marine Mammal Bycatch

Taking steps to addressing marine mammal bycatch in commercial fishing operations.
November 14, 2017 - Feature Story ,

Fishermen Connect with Habitat Researchers in Alaska

Strange sea creatures and unwanted material filling fishing nets may frustrate fishermen who only want to catch certain fish. But these unwelcome catches also challenge marine scientists and managers. In Alaska, fishermen and scientists have been uniting to address their related concerns.
August 04, 2017 - Feature Story ,