NOAA’s Southeast Fisheries Science Center is working to understand the profound challenges facing the Southeast’s shrimp fisheries to help prepare for their uncertain future.
Cooperative research involves partnerships between the fishing industry and scientists. We work together to improve our understanding of ocean ecosystems and support the management of sustainable and productive fisheries.
We study marine organisms and how they interact with their habitats and environments. Our research supports conservation, restoration, and management of fisheries habitats throughout the Southeast region.
Learn about relative abundance indices for fish and shrimp from data collected during fishery-independent surveys conducted by the Southeast Fisheries Science Center and partners.
Our scientists conduct several annual field studies and surveys to collect data on a variety of species and habitats throughout the Southeast region of the United States.
We use passive acoustic technologies to study the behavior and movements of marine animals, their contribution to the ocean soundscape, and how they are affected by human-made sounds.