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1001 resources match your filter criteria.

Gravity of Human Impacts Mediates Coral Reef Conservation Gains

An international study of nearly 1,800 tropical coral reefs around the world found that marine reserves near heavily populated areas struggle to do their job—but are a vast improvement over having no protection at all.
June 18, 2018 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Aerial Surveys of Arctic Marine Mammals

Alaska Fisheries Science Center's Cetacean Assessment & Ecology Program conduct aerial survey research in Alaska.
Survey grid for scientific study in northern Alaska

Spatial, Temporal, and Biological Characteristics of a Nearshore Coral Reef Fishery in the Northern Mariana Islands

A detailed description of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands nighttime commercial spear fishery and the importance of establishing long-term monitoring programs for coral reef fisheries.
May 29, 2018 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Alaska Shellfish Additional Research

Shellfish Assessment Research.
Close up view of a crab's face

Reef Fish Survey Team in the Southeast

The Reef Fish Survey Team conducts fishery independent surveys.

Fisheries Biology - Age and Growth Data Sources and Uses

Data on fishes' age and growth are crucial for stock assessment models.

Alaska Shellfish Current Research

Shellfish Assessment Research.
Graph showing shellfish depth through the day

Synergy Among Oceanographic Variability, Fishery Expansion, and Longline Catch Composition in the Central North Pacific Ocean

Spatial variability in oceanographic conditions play a large role in influencing the magnitude and composition of catch for Hawai'i's bigeye tuna longline fleet.
May 24, 2018 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Shark and Sawfish: Surveys and Tagging

Shark and sawfish research conducted by the Southeast Fisheries Science Center.