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13 resources match your filter criteria.

SWFSC Stranding Collections

What we collect and how tissues are used 

Marine Mammal Life History

Data collected from stranded and bycaught marine mammals are critical to understanding their life history

SWFSC Stranding Investigations

Investigating trends in marine mammals strandings

International Collaboration To Monitor And Respond To Tagged Gray Whale

NOAA Fisheries and Canadian partners working together, sharing information and expertise to respond to gray whale.
Photo of a gray whale at surface.

Southwest Fisheries Science Center Stock Assessments

Our stock assessments provide information on the dynamics of fish populations and scientific information to fishery managers regarding stock status, historical and future biomass, and recruitment trends.
A pod of long-beaked common dolphins is seen jumping over the surface of the ocean. Long-beaked common dolphin school. Photo: NOAA Fisheries/Adam Ü

Gray Whale Condition and Calf Production

We estimate the number of gray whale calves born each year and assess the whale body condition during their northward migration in the spring. These surveys are essential to tracking the status of the eastern North Pacific gray whale population.

Gray Whale Population Abundance

To understand how the eastern North Pacific gray whale population is responding to changes in the environment following its recovery from low numbers due to commercial whaling, we study changes in abundance over time.

Gray Whales in the Eastern North Pacific

A conservation achievement that resulted in the recovery of the California gray whale population from near extinction.

California Current Marine Mammal Assessment Program

We assess the population status of marine mammals in the California Current.

Cetacean Health & Life History Program

Assessing the health of whales and dolphins within a life-history perspective