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NOAA Fisheries Will Cancel Five Alaska Research Surveys For 2020
Announcement of survey cancellations in 2020.
NOAA Fisheries Cancels 2020 Southeast Fishery-Independent Survey (SEFIS)
The Southeast Fishery-Independent Survey (SEFIS) has been cancelled for 2020.
NOAA Fisheries Cancels Three West Coast Surveys for 2020
The Groundfish Bottom Trawl Survey, California Current Hake Research Cruise, and California Current Ecosystem Survey have been cancelled for 2020.
NOAA Fisheries Cancels 2020 Spring/Summer Reef Fish Video Survey
The Reef Fish Video Survey has been cancelled for 2020.
NOAA Fisheries Cancels Four Fisheries and Ecosystem Surveys for 2020
The Summer Ecosystem Monitoring, Northern Shrimp, Autumn Bottom-Trawl, and Summer/Fall Plankton surveys have been cancelled for 2020.
NOAA Fisheries Cancels 2020 Southern California Shelf Rockfish Hook and Line Survey
The Hook and Line (H&L) Survey has been cancelled for 2020.
NOAA Fisheries Cancels Remaining Hawaiian Islands Surveys for 2020
The annual Hawaiian monk seal and sea turtle field season deployment, a portion of the main Hawaiian Islands bottomfish survey, and the main Hawaiian Islands corals assessment are cancelled for 2020.
2023 Northeast Atlantic Sea Scallop Survey Canceled
Contingency planning is underway for future surveys.
Eastern Bering Sea Shelf Survey - Post 6
This survey collects important information on the status and trends of commercially important fish, crabs, and other species.
Winter 2018 California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Survey
The 2018 Winter California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations survey is scheduled for February 1-11, 2018, aboard the R/V Shimada.
Summer 2023 California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Survey
The 2023 CalCOFI Summer cruise will sail aboard Research Vessel Sally Ride from July 3-18 to survey the distributions and abundances of pelagic fish stocks, their prey, and their biotic and abiotic environments in the California Current.
2021 Results Of Steller Sea Lion Surveys In Alaska
The Marine Mammal Laboratory (MML) conducted aerial surveys to photograph and
count Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) pups (~1 month old) and non-pups (adults and
juveniles ≥ 1 year old)... (AFSC/MML/AEP 2016) in Alaska in June-July 2021.
Winter 2019 California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Survey
The 2019 Winter CalCOFI survey is scheduled for February 6–13, 2019, aboard the NOAA Ship Reuben Lasker.
Near-real Time Temperatures From The Bering Sea Bottom Trawl Survey 2021
As in past years, NOAA Fisheries scientists are providing information on ocean temperatures provided during the Eastern Bering Sea and Northern Bering Sea Bottom Trawl Surveys in 2021.
Summer 2022 California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Survey
The 2022 Summer CalCOFI cruise sailed aboard R/V Bold Horizon from August 14-30 to survey the distributions and abundances of pelagic fish stocks, their prey, and their biotic and abiotic environments in the California Current.