Incidental Take Authorization: Washington State Department of Transportation Seattle Multimodal Construction Project, Seattle, Washington (2019)
NOAA Fisheries has issued an incidental harassment authorization (IHA) to the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to take small numbers of marine mammals, by harassment, incidental to the Seattle Multimodal Project at Colman Dock in Seattle, Washington.
Federal Register
Supporting Materials
- Issued IHA (pdf, 9 pages)
- IHA application (pdf, 106 pages)
- Marine Mammal Monitoring Plan (pdf, 11 pages)
- Monitoring Report (pdf, 13 pages)
- Hydroacoustic Monitoring Report (2019-2020) (pdf, 32 pages)
- Hydroacoustic Monitoring Report Appendix (pdf, 58 pages)
- Public Comments (pdf, 3 pages)
- References (pdf, 7 pages)