We are pleased to announce “phase 1” of our new and improved NOAA Fisheries website—www.fisheries.noaa.gov. You will want to update your bookmarks and links.
What’s New?
After gathering feedback from our customers and taking a closer look at our web analytics, we are making a dramatic change to our website. Here are some of the highlights:
- A new look and feel. We hope the new design and functionality speaks for itself, but our goal is to captivate our visitors and make it easy for users to search and navigate throughout the website.
- Better organization. We know that users are more often coming to our site to complete a specific task, so we have organized the new site by species, topics, regions, and key tasks. Users can still find information about our organization structure.
- Mobile friendly. We recognize that more and more users are visiting our site from mobile devices. Our new design has views that are friendly for desktop, tablet, and smart phone users.
- Higher-quality content. We are also cleaning out redundant and old content and making sure our content is compelling and written in plain language.
Your Opinion Matters
You might receive a message requesting your feedback. Give us your thoughts by taking our ForeSee customer satisfaction survey, which will help us learn about your user experience and guide our continuous improvements to the site. Please let us know how we are doing and help us make this site even better. We appreciate your feedback.
What’s Ahead?
Our web transformation is a huge undertaking. Please bear with us during this process. We are migrating 20 separate websites and platforms into one national website to reduce redundant content and make it easier for you to find information without having to jump from website to website.
Here is the rough content migration schedule with links to the current websites.
- Office of Sustainable Fisheries
- Office of Protected Resources
- Office of Habitat Conservation
- Office of Science & Technology
- Office of Aquaculture
- Office of International Affairs/ Seafood Inspection
- Office of Law Enforcement
- Office of Management & Budget
- Alaska Fisheries Science Center
- Southeast Regional Office
- Southeast Fisheries Science Center
We archived all old headquarters program websites in January 2018. We will archive other phase 1 region and science center sites at a later date to be determined.
- Alaska Regional Office
- Pacific Islands Regional Office
- Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center
- West Coast Regional Office