"Not Warranted" 12-Month Findings
Species or populations for which we have completed a status review and have determined that listing, reclassification, or delisting is not warranted at this time.
Once we have accepted a petition to list, reclassify, or delist a species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), or to revise its critical habitat, we review the best available scientific and commercial information to determine whether the petitioned action is warranted.
For listing, reclassification, and delisting considerations, this information is usually compiled in a status review document. If, after reviewing this information and considering ongoing conservation efforts, we determine that listing, reclassification, or delisting is not warranted, we publish this decision in a “12-month finding” in the Federal Register. [Note: For NOAA Fisheries-initiated status reviews, we simply call this finding a “Notice of Determination”]
Learn more about the ESA Petition and Listing Process >
Below are those species or populations for which we have completed a status review and have determined that listing, reclassification, or delisting is not warranted at this time.
Species | Requested ESA Action | Status Review | Federal Register Notice (2005-present) |
coral, cauliflower (Pocillopora meandrina) |
85 FR 40480 | ||
coral (16 species) (Cyphastrea agassizi) (Cyphastrea ocellina) (Galaxea astreata) (Heliopora coerulea) (Leptoseris incrustans) (Leptoseris yabei) (Pavona bipartita) (Pavona cactus) (Pavona decussata) (Pavona venosa) (Porites (Clade 1 forma pukoensis)) (Psammocora stellata) (Turbinaria mesenterina) (Turbinaria peltata) (Turbinaria reniformis) (Turbinaria stellulata) |
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat |
2012 |
77 FR 73220 |
coral (46 species) (Acanthastrea brevis) (Acanthastrea hemprichii) (Acanthastrea ishigakiensis) (Acanthastrea regularis) (Acropora aculeus) (Acropora acuminata) (Acropora aspera) (Acropora dendrum) (Acropora donei) (Acropora horrida) (Acropora listeria) (Acropora microclados) (Acropora palmerae) (Acropora paniculata) (Acropora polystoma) (Acropora striata) (Acropora vaughani) (Acropora verweyi) (Agaricia lamarcki) (Alevopora allingi) (Alevopora fenestrata) (Alevopora verrilliana) (Anacropora puertogalerae) (Astreopora cucullata) (Barabattoia laddi) (Caulastrea echinulata) (Dichocoenia stokesii) (Euphyllia cristata) (Euphyllia paraancora) (Isopora cuneata) (Millepora foveolata) (Millepora tuberosa) (Montipora angulata) (Montipora calcarea) (Montipora caliculata) (Montipora dilatata/flabellata/turgescens) (Montipora lobulata) (Montipora patula/verrilli) (Pachyseris rugosa) (Pectinia alcicornis) (Physogyra lichtensteini) (Pocillopora danae) (Pocillopora elegans (E Pacific)) (Pocillopora elegans (Indo-Pacific)) (Porites horizontalata) (Porites nigrescens) |
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat |
2012 |
79 FR 53852 |
coral, fused-staghorn (Acropora prolifera) *not considered a "species" under ESA |
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat | 2005 | 70 FR 13151 |
Other Marine Invertebrates
Species | Requested ESA Action | Status Review | Federal Register Notice (2005-present) |
abalone, pinto (Haliotis kamtschatkana) |
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat |
2014 | 79 FR 77998 |
conch, queen (Strombus gigas) |
List as Threatened or Endangered and Designate Critical Habitat | 2014 | 79 FR 65628 |
oyster, Eastern (Crassostrea virginica) |
List as Threatened or Endangered *petition withdrawn |
2007 | 72 FR 35388 |
teatfish, black (Holothuria nobilis) |
List as Threatened or Endangered | 2021 | 86 FR 68477 |
Marine Mammals
Marine Reptiles
Species | Requested ESA Action | Status Review | Federal Register Notice (2005-present) |
sea turtle, green
Delist the Hawaiian Population | 2015 | 80 FR 15271 |
sea turtle, leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) |
Identify the Northwest Atlantic Population as a DPS and List as Threatened | 2020 | 85 FR 48332 |