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727 items match your filter criteria.

Spotlight on Marine Forensic Science at the NWFSC

Scientists help enforcement agents investigate crimes against marine wildlife and protect seafood consumers.
November 14, 2012 - Feature Story ,

Genetic Diversity of Captive Broodstock Program for Redfish Lake Sockeye

Despite an extreme bottleneck that nearly decimated the Redfish Lake sockeye population in the early 1990s, the captive broodstock program retained 95% of the population’s genetic diversity.
August 08, 2012 - Feature Story ,
Redfish Lake salmon

Raising Pacific Lamprey Eggs at Mukilteo Research Station

Scientists, tribes collaborate to propagate the declining Pacific lamprey species
July 23, 2012 - Feature Story ,
Multiple lamprey eggs at about one week after fertilization

New Biomarker Discovered for Low Levels of Domoic Acid

Scientists discovered new way to detect chronic, low-level exposure to a seafood toxin in marine animals.
May 02, 2012 - Feature Story ,

Seeing the Sea Unseen: Where Science and Art Intersect

Stunning microscopic images of aquatic life can be captured by a scanning electron microscope.
April 18, 2012 - Feature Story ,
Surface of zebrafish skin Thumbprint-like microridges are present on the surface of individual skin cells of this newly hatched zebrafish. Openings for three goblet cells that produce mucus can also be seen between skin cells.

Scientists Bring Technology to Life for Tribal Students

NWFSC provides Northwest Indian College students with novel hands-on training to detect algal toxins in fish and shellfish.
January 20, 2011 - Feature Story ,
Dr. Frame explains how the HPLC apparatus detects domoic acid in fish and shellfish. Photo: NOAA Fisheries

NOAA to Fix "Flaws" in Sea Lion Removal Program

NOAA Fisheries said today it will not seek further review of the Ninth Circuit Court’s decision that, in effect, requires the agency to revise its current authorization for Washington, Oregon, and Idaho to trap and kill California sea lions.
January 19, 2011 - Feature Story ,

A Cradle of Great Earthquakes: Exploring the Underwater San Andreas Fault

Using advanced technology and a green research vessel, Center scientists team up to explore the submerged San Andreas fault and its hidden marine life.
December 08, 2010 - Feature Story ,
Oregon State University Research Vessel Pacific Storm

Making a Splash with Record Salmon Runs

Scientists attribute this year's record salmon runs in Columbia River Basin to favorable ocean conditions and other fish-friendly improvements to habitat, hatcheries and hydropower.
July 19, 2010 - Feature Story ,
maps showing the dams in the Columbia River basin

Spotlight on Pt. Adams: Scientists Track Salmon Migration, Survival

The NWFSC’s Point Adams Research Station, located at the mouth of the Columbia River at Hammond, OR, is home to 30 scientists and staff who spend most of their time shadowing salmonids, or their predators, for a living.
May 10, 2010 - Feature Story ,
Using trap nets, scientists can sample habitat use by juvenile salmonids.  Credit: NOAA Fisheries