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3266 items match your filter criteria.

Online Tool Screens Finfish Fillets for Mislabeling, Substitution

Developed by the National Seafood Inspection Laboratory, the tool supports the nation’s safe, sustainable seafood supply.
March 13, 2019 - Feature Story ,
seafood display case

Learn About NOAA Fisheries, Recreational Fishing Data Collection at Saltwater Fishing Shows

Representatives from the Marine Recreational Information Program and the Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office will be available to answer your questions about estimating recreational catch at upcoming saltwater fishing shows in New Jersey and Rhode Island.
March 13, 2019 - Feature Story ,

Dolphin Calf Swimming Freely After Rescue Team Steps In

Biologists work together to free calf from fishing gear off Florida coast.
March 12, 2019 - Feature Story ,
Dolphin calf with mouth entanglement.jpeg

Visit Us At Seafood Expo North America

A leadership message from NOAA Fisheries Assistant Administrator Chris Oliver.
March 11, 2019 - Leadership Message ,
A variety of seafood on a bed of ice.

Northeast Summer Flounder and Atlantic Striped Bass Assessments Completed

In the northeast, new stock assessments of summer flounder and striped bass are ready for use by fishery managers in the region. Both are “benchmarks,” which are the most complex and thorough form of assessment.
March 08, 2019 - Feature Story ,
Striped bass, silver fish with lateral strips down the sides.

West Coast Waters Grow More Productive with Shift Toward Cooler Conditions

The ocean off the West Coast is shifting from several years of unusually warm conditions, toward a cooler and more productive regime that may boost salmon returns and populations of other ocean predators, according to a new NOAA Fisheries report.
March 08, 2019 - Feature Story ,
coastline at Big Sur

Alaska Citizen Recovers Valuable Scientific Instruments

Tyler Brown landed his airplane to rescue lost instruments containing irreplaceable data on endangered Cook Inlet beluga whales.
March 07, 2019 - Feature Story ,
Plane on snowy landscape

Scientists Find Mystery Killer Whales off Cape Horn, Chile

Genetic samples the team collected will help determine whether this animal, with its distinctly different color pattern and body shape, is indeed new to science. See amazing video footage of the whales below.
March 07, 2019 - Feature Story ,
Type D_Jean-Pierre Sylvestre_BR-Orcinus orca-28112011-WSG-1340.jpg

New Species Named After NOAA Fisheries Scientist Matthew Craig

A newly identified grouper species in the South China Sea has been named in honor of Southwest Fisheries Science Center research geneticist Matthew Craig.
March 05, 2019 - Feature Story ,

New Management Measures Mitigate Shortfin Mako Overfishing

Amendment 11 to the Atlantic HMS fishery management plan outlines measures for both recreational and commercial fishermen.
March 04, 2019 - Feature Story ,