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3266 items match your filter criteria.

Conserving Skate Nursery Habitat In The Bering Sea

Ensuring a healthy ecosystem for sustainable fisheries.
June 29, 2016 - Feature Story ,
Skate swimming on the seafloor

A Mako's Last Meal Part II: The Shark Bite Effect

Celebrate Shark Week!
June 27, 2016 - Feature Story ,

The Road to Restoration for Sea Turtles

Part 1: Sea Turtles Harmed by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Sea turtles are irreplaceable. They serve unique ecological roles and are highly valued by the public. They are also vulnerable to threats caused by human activities. The five sea turtle
June 13, 2016 - Feature Story ,

Putting the World in World Sea Turtle Day

An interview with NOAA Fisheries biologist and sea turtle scientist Manjula Tiwari.
June 10, 2016 - Podcast ,

Reddit "Ask Me Anything" with NOAA Scientist Peter Dutton

June 10, 2016 - Feature Story ,

A Missing Ingredient in the Recipe for Healthy Ecosystems

NOAA Fisheries social scientists stress the importance of human dimensions in environmental management.
June 09, 2016 - Feature Story ,
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Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act in Action: How Biological Surveys Support Sustainable Alaskan Fisheries

This month NOAA Fisheries celebrates the 40th Anniversary of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, the federal law that set the U.S. on track to healthy fish stocks and fisheries. Underlying the success of this important U.S. law is a management system supported by good science. Biological surveys make it possible for scientists to provide reliable estimates of how many fish are in the ocean. Sometimes, scientists also get a few surprises, like discovering a new species.
June 06, 2016 - Feature Story ,

NOAA and Partners Chart New Territory for Ocean Science

Deploying autonomous sailing vessels with customized acoustic technologies to study whales, fish and seals in remote parts of the ocean.
June 03, 2016 - Feature Story ,
Sail drone in water with mountains in background.

NOAA Fisheries’ Marine Aquaculture Strategic Plan

The Marine Aquaculture Strategic Plan is intended to guide efforts within NOAA Fisheries to support development of sustainable marine aquaculture from 2016 to 2020.
May 26, 2016 - Feature Story
A diver walks up the side of an aquapod aquaculture net pen.

Where Do Alaska Fish Go?

The Alaska Fisheries Science Center, the McDowell Group and the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission have produced a new publication examining how federally managed groundfish and crab stocks caught in Alaskan waters
May 23, 2016 - Feature Story ,
Man wearing blue hat, yellow jacket and orange gloves holding up seafood.