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Steller Sea Lion Protection Measures in Alaska Fisheries Results

39 results match your filter criteria.

Pollock Fisheries Closed Areas - Steller Sea Lion Protection Measures

Areas closed to fishing to protect Steller sea lions and conserve prey. Charts and offline Carry Maps from ArcGIS map documents.
November 25, 2014 - Map ,

Steller Sea Lion Protection Measures - Federal Register Rules and Notices

Regulations to implement Steller sea lion protection measures to insure that groundfish fisheries off Alaska are not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the western distinct population segment of Steller sea lions or destroy or adversely…

Final Environmental Impact Statement Steller Sea Lion Protection Measures for Groundfish Fisheries in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area

This environmental impact statement provides an evaluation of the environmental, social, and economic effects of alternatives to the Steller sea lion protection measures for the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area, in particular the Atka mackerel, Pacific cod, and pollock fisheries in the Aleutian Islands.
May 06, 2014 - NEPA ,

Biological Opinion on Authorization of the Alaska Groundfish Fisheries Under the Proposed Revised Steller Sea Lion Protection Measures

Biological opinion on a modification to the federal groundfish fisheries and State of Alaska parallel groundfish fisheries for Atka mackerel, Pacific cod, and pollock.
April 02, 2014 - Biological Opinion ,

Revisions to the Steller Sea Lion Protection Measures for the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area Groundfish Fisheries - Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review

This assessment/review provides an evaluation of the environmental, social, and economic effects of alternatives to the Steller sea lion protection measures for the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area groundfish fisheries.
November 06, 2010 - NEPA ,

3nm No Groundfish Fishing Sites - Steller Sea Lion Protection Measures

3nm No Groundfish Fishing Sites
November 30, 2009 - Map ,

EA/RIR/FRFA for a Regulatory Amendment to Permit the Seasonal Closure of Chiniak Gully in the Gulf of Alaska to Trawl Fishing: Implemented Under the Authority of the FMP for the Groundfish Fishery of the GOA

Analysis of the environmental impacts, costs and benefits of a regulatory amendment to impose a seasonal ban on all commercial trawl fishing in the Chiniak Gully region as part of a comprehensive research program on sea lion/fishery interactions.
May 05, 2006 - NEPA ,

EA/RIR for an Amendment to Regulations Implementing the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska Changes to Gulf of Alaska Steller Sea Lion Protection Measures

This Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review examines a suite of measures to change Steller Sea Lion protection measures in the Gulf of Alaska.
October 01, 2004 - NEPA ,

Regulatory Impact Review for a Regulatory Amendment to Reduce a Harvest Restriction for Participants in the Harvest Limit Area Atka Mackerel Fishery in the Aleutian Islands Subarea

This Regulatory Impact Review evaluates the costs and benefits of a proposed harvest restriction for participants in the harvest limit area Atka mackerel fishery in the Aleutian Islands.
May 01, 2004 - Analyses (non-NEPA) ,