Incidental Take Authorization: Mayflower Wind Energy LLC Marine Site Characterization Surveys off of Massachusetts
NOAA Fisheries has issued to Mayflower Wind Energy LLC (Mayflower) an authorization to take marine mammals incidental to site characterization surveys off the coast of Massachusetts in the area of the Commercial Lease of Submerged Lands for Renewable Energy Development on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS-A 0521) and along potential submarine cable routes to landfall locations at Falmouth, Massachusetts and near Narragansett Bay. NOAA Fisheries published a proposed incidental harassment authorization (IHA) in the Federal Register. Mayflower determined that they needed to add an additional export cable route corridor to the proposed IHA. Therefore, a final IHA was not issued and Mayflower submitted a modified application which has now been issued.
Federal Register
Supporting Materials
- Modified IHA (pdf, 13 pages)
- Modified Draft IHA (pdf, 13 pages)
- Draft IHA (pdf, 13 pages)
- PSO Datasheets (.zip folder with Excel files)
- Monitoring Report (pdf, 119 pages)
- Public Comments on Modification (pdf, 21 pages)
- Modified Application (pdf, 81 pages)
- Application (pdf, 81 pages)
- References (pdf, 2 pages)