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Science Blogs

643 items match your filter criteria.

Eastern Bering Sea Shelf Survey - Post 3

Eastern Bering Sea Shelf Survey

This survey collects important information on the status and trends of commercially important fish, crabs, and other species.
June 12, 2017 - Survey ,
Three scientists holding up a large crab

Yukon River Salmon Survey - Post 1

Yukon River Salmon Survey

A study of the diets, health, and seasonal cycles of juvenile Chinook salmon on the Yukon River Delta.
June 09, 2017 - Survey ,
Left and right image different areas of the Yukon River

Gulf of Alaska Larval Fish Survey - Post 7

Gulf of Alaska Larval Fish Survey

Scientists seek out the tiniest catch, larval fish in the Gulf of Alaska.
June 08, 2017 - Research ,
View from ship of the Gulf of Alaska with mountains in the background

Northern Fur Seal Food Study - Post 1

Northern Fur Seal Food Study

Northern fur seal food study in Bering Sea using Saildrone: Second year adding video.
June 07, 2017 - Survey ,
Baby seal sleeping on rocks

Surveying the Depths of the Gulf of Alaska - Post 4

Surveying the Depths of the Gulf of Alaska

This summer our scientists are hoping to prove what biologists have theorized for years – that newly hatched fish use Alaska deep-sea corals as a nursery ground to safely grow.
June 07, 2017 - Survey ,
Ocean with snow capped mountains in background.

Eastern Bering Sea Shelf Survey - Post 7

Eastern Bering Sea Shelf Survey

This survey collects important information on the status and trends of commercially important fish, crabs, and other species.
June 06, 2017 - Survey ,
Three different images of fish. Top Left: Arrowtooth flounder. Top right: Flathead Sole. Bottom: Pacific halibut

Surveying the Depths of the Gulf of Alaska - Post 3

Surveying the Depths of the Gulf of Alaska

This summer our scientists are hoping to prove what biologists have theorized for years – that newly hatched fish use Alaska deep-sea corals as a nursery ground to safely grow.
June 05, 2017 - Survey ,
Two sea birds floating in the water

Kaua‘i Bottomfishers Face Rougher Ocean Conditions

Hawaii Bottomfish Heritage Project

By Adam Ayers
June 05, 2017 - Research ,

Eastern Bering Sea Shelf Survey - Post 2

Eastern Bering Sea Shelf Survey

This survey collects important information on the status and trends of commercially important fish, crabs, and other species.
June 02, 2017 - Survey ,
Preserved fish with pencil above them

Eastern Bering Sea Shelf Survey - Post 1

Eastern Bering Sea Shelf Survey

This survey collects important information on the status and trends of commercially important fish, crabs, and other species.
June 01, 2017 - Survey ,
Map of survey area where scientists are taking samples for research