2013 North Pacific Groundfish Stock Assessments
2013 North Pacific Groundfish Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Reports for 2014 Fisheries.
Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Stock Assessments
- Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Introduction
- Alaska Plaice
- Arrowtooth Flounder
- Atka Mackerel
- Blackspotted and Rougheye Rockfish
- Flathead Sole
- Greenland Turbot
- Grenadier
- Kamchatka Flounder
- Northern Rock Sole
- Northern Rockfish
- Octopus
- Other Flatfish
- Other Rockfish
- Pacific Cod - Aleutian Islands
- Pacific Cod - Eastern Bering Sea
- Pacific Ocean Perch
- Pollock - Aleutian Islands
- Pollock - Bogoslof Island
- Pollock - Eastern Bering Sea
- Sablefish
- Sculpin
- Sharks
- Shortraker Rockfish
- Skates
- Squids
- Yellowfin Sole
Gulf of Alaska Stock Assessments
- Gulf of Alaska Introduction
- Arrowtooth Flounder
- Atka Mackerel
- Deep-water Flatfish
- Demersal Shelf Rockfish
- Dusky Rockfish
- Flathead Sole
- Grenadier
- Northern Rockfish
- Northern and Southern Rock Sole
- Octopus
- Other Rockfish
- Pacific Cod
- Pacific Ocean Perch
- Rex Sole
- Rougheye and Blackspotted Rockfish
- Sculpin
- Shallow-Water Flatfish
- Sharks
- Skates
- Shortraker Rockfish
- Squids
- Thornyheads
Ecosystem Status Reports
Economic Status Reports
Additional Resources
- North Pacific Groundfish Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Reports
- 1998-2012 North Pacific Groundfish Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Reports
- Alaska Stock Assessments
- Alaska Marine Ecosystem Status Report Archive
- Groundfish and Shellfish Assessment Surveys Sample Request Instructions
- Alaska Fisheries Life History Database
- Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring Survey Reports
- Essential Fish Habitat Research Plan in Alaska
- Alaska Groundfish Survey Data Map
- Alaska Groundfish Bottom Trawl Survey Data
- Groundfish Bottom Trawl Survey Protocols
- Groundfish Species and Survey Codebook