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Northwest Fisheries Science Center Results

424 results match your filter criteria.

Oregon Beavers Engineer Better Fish Habitat, More Fish

An ecological experiment that employed beavers to restore streams in Central Oregon found that the streams produced nearly twice as many juvenile steelhead within a few years after the beavers went to work.
July 14, 2016 - Feature Story ,
Riparian vegetation flourishes along Bridge Creek after increased numbers of beaver dams slowed the creek down and allowed vegetation to reestablish itself. (Photo credit: Nick Bouwes)

It Takes a Community

Working with anglers to recover threatened Puget Sound rockfish.
July 06, 2016 - Feature Story ,
YellowEye rockfish - NOAA NWFS.jpg

Ocean Acidification Puts Northwest Dungeness Crab At Risk, Research Finds

Ocean acidification expected to accompany climate change may slow development and reduce survival of the larval stages of Dungeness crab, a key component of the Northwest marine ecosystem and the largest fishery by revenue on the West Coast, a new study has found.
May 19, 2016 - Feature Story ,
Dungeness crab larvae

Puget Sound Wastewater Carries Emerging Contaminants

Pharmaceuticals, personal care compounds detected in effluent and fish
February 24, 2016 - Feature Story ,
Stuart Munsch, Andrew Yeh, Monica Chan & Richard Ramsden use a seine to collect fish in the Puyallup Estuary. Credit: Andrew Yeh

Dangerous Fishing May Be Endangered

A new study of fishing practices found that the "risky" behavior that makes fishing one of the most dangerous lines of work dropped sharply following the adoption of catch shares management in the West Coast fixed gear sablefish fishery.
February 18, 2016 - Feature Story ,
Percent of Fishing Trips taken on High Winds Days

Testing Detects Algal Toxins in Alaska Marine Mammals

Harmful algal blooms in Arctic waters could affect marine mammal populations
February 11, 2016 - Feature Story ,
Map of algal toxins detected in 13 species of marine mammals from Southeast Alaska to the Artic Ocean during 2004 to 2013

Vessel Speed Biggest Factor in Noise Affecting Killer Whales

The speed of vessels operating near endangered killer whales in Washington is the most influential factor — more so than vessel size — in how much noise from the boats reaches the whales.
December 02, 2015 - Feature Story ,
Digital acoustic recording tags temporarily attached to killer whales measured vessel noise reaching the whales. Photos taken under NOAA Fisheries and Department of Fisheries and Oceans research permit (No.781-1824 and 16163).

Tests Find Algal Toxin Affected Wildlife From California to Washington

Testing of samples from marine wildlife during an unprecedented harmful algal bloom on the West Coast in recent months detected indicate potentially widespread effects of the bloom in marine food webs.
November 03, 2015 - Feature Story ,

Oncoming El Niño Likely to Continue Species Shakeup in Pacific

One-two punch of El Niño and "warm blob" could boost coastal temperatures and supercharge storms
October 02, 2015 - Feature Story ,
Crews from the Alaska Fisheries Science Center caught two large ocean sunfish far to the north of where the species usually occurs. Photo credit: NOAA Fisheries

Delayed Effects of Oil Spill Compromise Long-term Fish Survival

Low-level oil exposure leads to later heart defects, weaker swimming and reduced survival
September 08, 2015 - Feature Story ,
Transient embryonic exposures to crude oil cause lasting reductions in the swimming speed of salmon and herring