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Incidental Take Authorization: Scripps Institute of Oceanography Low-Energy Geophysical Survey in the South Atlantic Ocean


Marine Mammal Protection Act
Action Status
Affected Species
Pygmy Right Whale
Arnoux’s Beaked Whale
Southern Bottlenose Whale
Shepherd's Beaked Whale
Gray’s Beaked Whale
Hector's Beaked Whale
Strap-Toothed Whale
Andrew's Beaked Whale
Spade-Toothed Whale
Dusky Dolphin
Southern Right Whale Dolphin
Hourglass Dolphin
Subantarctic Fur Seal
Crabeater seal
Leopard Seal
Southern Elephant Seal


NOAA Fisheries has issued an incidental harassment authorization (IHA) to the Scripps Institute of Oceanography (SIO) to incidentally harass, by Level B harassment only, marine mammals during a low-energy marine geophysical survey in the South Atlantic Ocean.  

Scripps SA Project Area.PNG

Survey area

Last updated by Office of Protected Resources on 11/03/2020