Framework Action: Modifications to Location Reporting Requirements for For-Hire Vessels in the Gulf of Mexico
The proposed rule would provide flexibility to for-hire operators with a federal charter vessel/headboat permit for Gulf of Mexico reef fish or Gulf coastal migratory pelagic species who report a malfunction with a vessel’s location-positioning device.
Amendment 48 to the Gulf Reef Fish FMP and Amendment 5 to the Gulf Red Drum FMP
Amendment 48 to the Gulf Reef Fish FMP and Amendment 5 to the Gulf Red Drum FMP establish MSY proxies, overfishing and overfished determination criteria (aka MSSTs), and optimum yield (OY) for some reef fish species and red drum.
Framework Action: Modification of Gulf of Mexico Red Grouper Annual Catch Limits and Annual Catch Targets
The purpose of the rule is to continue the Gulf red grouper commercial and recreational annual catch limit (ACL) and annual catch target (ACT) reductions implemented in 2019. The reductions in harvest in 2019 were put in place through an emergency rule.&n
Carryover Provisions and Framework Modifications
The purpose of this amendment to is establish a carryover provision for managed reef fish and coastal migratory pelagic (CMP) stocks. Carryover provisions would apply to stocks and stock complexes with sector allocations. Unused portions of the secto